Collaboration or Solitude
This blog is in response to Week Three of Tracking Wonder Quest2018 where Jeffrey Davis explores how solitude and collaboration can contribute to reaching your goals. He has a conversation with Pam Slim and Leo Babauta . Reflecting on my own style, I must confess that I love solitude. Sometimes thouhg, I burst with an idea and just have to contact a specific friend or colleagues to communicate; to test an idea for soundness, practicality, even ethics. Also to elicit their passion, if I can get them on the same wavelength (O good test for an idea). While (as a person) I am at ease in both situations, the interview made we wonder whether I use these situations productively. Solitude About 4 years ago I found myself in an uncomfortable emotional space. I wanted to run away from the right things and towards the wrong things. I was presented the opportunity to buy a small (1 hectare) plot with a 30m river...