Best Year
The first assignment of the Tracking Wonder
Quest 2018 is to reflect on the year 2018 as if it had already happened.. One of the recommendations is to focus on the
process it took to get there and not only on the outcomes.
Here goes:
I am sitting outside, writing at a table on
the stoep of our small house in the bushveld, where my partner and myself have
spent some time during 2018, making a functional Perma Culture garden and added
some touches to the house and garden. Since we did not want to spend money, we
tried to be innovative in creating garden paths and benches, using the
resources at hand.
At the end of 2017, my colleague and myself
transformed our little business ... by starting a new company which is now
owned by 5 partners. We have just registered this company and sat together
crafting a vision for this company, but in December 2017 not much has happened
yet. During 2018 we wrote our business
plan and logo. We developed a website
and social media linking to our work and set out marketing ourselves.
Our company supports other companies to
engage in Corporate Social Responsibility activities. When we developed our vision, we found that
all 5 of us did not only want to do this selfishly, but we wanted to show that,
by aligning to the national objectives, companies could really have an impact
to make this country (South Africa) a better place. Sometimes we had to show work away since we
thought that a company did not understand this mission, even after extensive
engagement. We provide a professional service, assisting them to show how
social projects add value to their work.
We engaged with some youths within the
areas where we work and they have been taken on as interns to assist. This is very useful since we work in rural
areas where we cannot maintain a constant presence. They are continually mentored and provided
with skills necessary to provide this support.
On a personal level I feel very proud of
myself, since I was able to put together a book of poetry, which has been
submitted for publishing. I have also
written a short story every month, although these still need some editing
before I submit. I enrolled for a short
story writing course.
My biggest challenge has always been
procrastination. I also feel a lack of energy. I found that decluttering our
house of all material stuff that we do not need, and creating a dedicated space
as a home office has helped. I am also using the Stephen Covey 7 Habits System again to prioritise Important vs Urgent. I have asked my colleagues to assist
in setting interim milestones and we have two-weekly meetings to assist us all
to stay on track.
I set aside Saturdays as my
"writing" days. These are the days that I organise all the bits and
pieces of inspiration and ideas I jotted down during the week.One of my goals
was to get rid of all debt by 2020. I have stayed on track with this.
I have dedicated some time to relearning
negotiation skills and facilitation skills, which comes in handy when we do CSI
strategy for Corporates. I have also read extensively about CSI requirements,
Good Practice and relevant legislation in South Africa. This includes
understanding the Broad Based Black Empowerment codes and translate these into
useful information for companies that we engaged with. My colleagues have also
engaged in improving their skills in terms of training and evaluation, as
relevant to their roles and interests.
Overall I was more motivated than during
2017. I do not work every day and am starting to feel less guilty when I just
engage in dreaming and spending time with family and friends - even in the
middle of the week.
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